Monday, 13 December 2010

criteria that affects a person's access to IT

Gender - males usually prefer using technology compared to females.
Geogrpahic location - more rural areas have worse connectivity compared with more busy, economised areas.
Disability - some disabilities do not allow you to use technology, we take this for granted
age - children somtimes to young to understand anything about the internet. young children and older adults are much less likely to have internet connections.

why does the digital divide exist?

because of the economic divide. people with higher income are able to afford the technology whereas people who are on lower incomes are not able to. as the cannot afford the technology the are left behind in terms of digital supremacy with wealthier nations pulling away from the rest.

boring stuff

Top management and professionals
Middle management
Clerical workers
Skilled manual workers
Semi-skilled workers
Manual workers

The national statistics socio-economic classification analytic classes
Higher managerial and professional occupations
Large employers and higher managerial occupations
Higher professional occupations
Lower managerial and professional occupation
Intermediate occupations
Small employers and own account workers
Lower supervisory and technical occupations
Semi-routine occupations
Routine occupations
Never worked and long-term unemployed

Monday, 29 November 2010

Dubai Internet City

Dubai Internet City (DIC) provides a strategic and cost effective platform for ICT companies targeting emerging markets in a vast region extending from the Middle East to the Indian subcontinent, and from Africa to Central Asia.
Launched in the year 2000, DIC now features a dynamic international community of ICT companies including global giants like Microsoft, Cisco Systems, IBM, HP, Dell, Siemens, Sun Microsystems, Computer Associates, PeopleSoft and Sony Ericsson. Many small and medium businesses (SMBs) and promising entrepreneurial ventures are also part of the community. The cluster comprises companies from a variety of sectors - Software Development, Business Services, Web Based and e-Commerce, Consultancy, Sales and Marketing and Back Office. 
DIC provides an environment that attracts all elements of the ICT value chain, and in addition, has developed several programmes that can be leveraged by the community to explore and expand channel development opportunities. Companies are privy to an advanced Metro Ethernet broadband infrastructure and a range of business-enabling services including government transactions. DIC also has the world’s largest commercial IP Telephony network.
DIC offers both 100 per cent tax exemption and 100 per cent business ownership.

Data Response

1)  the countries resources were directed at helping the people live, providing food and trying to provide the right living conditions. the money gets used in these areas instead of computer based things, e.g. the purchasing of IT equipment and teaching of skills.

2) the most pressing need is that of internet to allow easier communication to other countries so they can discuss trade etc. it would help expand their infrastructure and help open up more IT based jobs around the country.

3) the projects ahve not been the most successful in the world. this is becuase the technology that was being introduced was vastly out dated so the gap between africa and toehr countries is still as wide as before.

4)  they have failed as the projects are not their main interest at the moment. this is because nliving conditions and trying to provide food are bigger concerns for the country.

5) basic word processing, software skills, internet usage and communication.

6) Communication, data base skills and spreadsheet skills.

Friday, 26 November 2010

How great is the divide and is this changing.

page 43 and 44, make notes.

last para on 45, find current fugures

research to answer points at top of page 46